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Wing Commander Arena

Two games will hit Xbox Live Arcade tomorrow, both of which are classics, in a way. The first is Super Contra, something I’ve been waiting a long time for, since the original Contra release was the coin-op arcade version, as opposed to the superior NES one. But Super Contra was arguable the pinnacle of the series, and with online co-op and achievements, you better pick it up.

The other title is a bit of mixed bag. Wing Commander Arena is the rebirth of the classic Wing Commander franchise, which was phenomenal back in the day (and remains such in the hearts of many). Arena is going in a different direction, and despite what you might expect after seeing screenshots from the game, it’s in fact not 3D – you can’t move up or down; only horizontally. So even though you’re in space you’re confined to a single plane. Lame. On the plus-side, Arena is the first Arcade game to feature 16-player Xbox Live multiplayer, so that might justify an 800 Microsoft Point purchase.

Click to continue reading Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday Serves Up Another Double Header


Finally, now that the dust has settled from E3, we have finally found the time to get our thoughts in order and give you an extra-long episode of GamerAndy Live!

This week, Edie and Hawkes chat up all that happened before E3, during E3, and after E3, including:

- How Edie spotted Slash, missed Ron Jeremy and got groped by China Doll;
- Edie defends why she thinks Nintendo “won” E3 this year;
- Why Hawkes wasn’t as impressed at Killzone 2 as many others;
- Burnout Paradise;
- John Woo’s Stranglehold;
- Fallout 3;
- Hellgate: London;
- Katamari Damarcy;
- PGR4;
- Assassin’s Creed;
- Why Activision will get sued over Guitar Hero III;
- The big scoop we


- Rumor that E for All may not happen

- Peter Moore chucks MS job for EA Sports;
- EA Sports: Hockey-less in ‘08;
- Chocolate Rain;
- Bully revamped for release on 360 and Wii;
- Wii Fit
- MGS4 coming to 360?
- Shoutouts and Shoutats;
- Problems for Unreal Engine?
- X07 gone;
- Xbox extended warantees;
- PS3 price drop…er, clearance sale;
- The Jaime Kennedy Embarassment;
- South Park’s WoW episode nominated for Emmy


Halo 3

The speculation is true – the latest issue of EGM confirms that Halo 3’s co-op (which will exist offline, with player two playing as the Arbiter) is not currently online. Bungie is working to get the feature implemented, but currently it isn’t happening. Considering they have a very limited amount of time left to work on the game, it seems highly unlikely that online co-op will make it into the retail version of the game. Of course, we could always get it through a patch or downloadable content down the road – but so help me if it costs even a penny.

“We’re not dumb,” says Bungie’s Frank O’Conner. “We know that people want it and we’re trying to make it happen. I think the biggest problem for us for online co-op is that we have a situation where you can be in a Warthog with five troops, almost a mile away from the other player. That’s a significant challenge. And there’s lots of design things you could do to prevent that from happening, but they would make it not feel like Halo anymore. If we can make it happen in a way that works well, we will - and if it works badly, we won’t.”

A smattering of other things are revealed in the EGM story, as well, including new weapons and gear: the Flare (flashbang), the Mauler (dual-wieldable Brute shotgun),the Gravity Hammer (according to CVG it sends vehicles flying), and the Regenerator (opposite of the power drainer). New vehicles include the Prowler, Hornet, and Elephant. They don’t sound quite as cool as Ghosts, Banshees and Warthogs, but hopefully they play well. Additionally, a remake of the popular Halo 2 map Lockout was revealed, now known as Guardian.

Read More | CVG

Bomberman Live Lost World Arena

Next Wednesday, July 18, we’ll be treated to a dual release – Bomberman Live and Yie Ar Kung Fu. Bomberman has been designed specifically for XBLA and features split-screen multiplayer, as well as online multiplayer over Xbox Live and tons of customization for your character. The game will cost 800 Microsoft Points ($10). Yie Ar Kung Fu is a fighting game that appeared on the NES, and is probably a game you’ve never heard of. But that’s why we have trials for all Arcade games, so you can decide if the game is really worth 400 Microsoft Points when they both go live on the Arcade next week.

Check after the break for more screens from both games.

Click to continue reading E3 2007: Next Week’s Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday Sports Two Releases

Halo 3 special edition Xbox 360 consoleAs we unveiled on Tuesday, we finally know the price point and release date for the Xbox 360 chatpad. At Microsoft’s press conference we saw Peter Moore hold up a new Xbox 360 model – a Halo 3 special edition 360. The console itself will have a green and gold paintjob with a matching wireless controller, a 20GB hard drive, headset, Play & Charge kit, and exclusive Halo 3 gamer pics and theme. The system will be available in September.

Another hardware tidbit was that in October we’ll see several new colors of wireless controllers – pink, dark blue, and light blue – making for a total of five different controller colors. Check after the break for a look at the new controller colors.

Update: Game | Life has some details on the special Halo 3 edition Xbox 360 - specifically, the headset included will be wireless and the system itself will have an HDMI port. And to clarify, the system won’t come with a copy of Halo 3.

Click to continue reading E3 2007: New Xbox 360 Hardware And Accessory Details [UPDATE]

Xbox 360 E3 games release 2007

Over on Gamerscore Blog, a list has been posted with all of the games being shown at E3 that will be available this year. Xbox 360 games, Xbox Live Arcade games, Games for Windows-branded titles, and Games for Windows Live-enabled games. It’s a lot to digest, and with big name games like BioShock, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Guitar Hero III, Sonic the Hedgehog (the original, don’t worry), Puzzle Quest, Company of Heroes: Opposing Forces… let’s just say there’s something for nearly everyone.

Click to continue reading E3 2007: All The Stuff You’ll See On Xbox 360 And Games for Windows In 2007

Read More | Gamerscore Blog

As opposed to the other Halo 3 video which was practically nothing but live action, this video is filled with just over two minutes of Halo 3’s single player – and it looks good. Cortana makes a brief appearance, and what looks to be an array of new Covenant dropships, new armor for the Brutes and a lot of other things only Halo fanatics can really appreciate. Nevertheless, give it a watch and keep counting down the days until September 25.

PlayStation Portable redesign box

I’m going to come right out and say it: I’m coming away from Sony’s presentation more impressed than I was either Nintendo’s or Microsoft’s. They were very straightforward and showed exactly what we all wanted to see: the games.

In fact, this was one of the more impressive E3 press conferences in recent memory – check inside to find out why.

Click to continue reading E3 2007: Sony’s Press Conference Recap And Impressions

Shigeru Miyamoto Mario Luigi

As with the Microsoft conference before it, I was confined to my hotel Wi-Fi to take in Nintendo’s E3 press conference. But, unlike Microsoft’s, I’m walking away thoroughly and utterly disappointed. I’m going to go ahead and spoil part of the full story from after the break: there was no mention of Smash Bros. being online. Me = worried much.

Set your expectations low before you view the rest after the break.

Click to continue reading E3 2007: Nintendo’s Press Conference Recap And Impressions

Sonic the HedgehogAnnounced during Microsoft’s press conference not long ago, Genesis classics Sonic The Hedgehog and Golden Axe are now available for Live Arcade. Sweetening the surprise is the pricing; they’ll only cost you five bucks (400 Microsoft Points) each, exactly three dollars less than their $8 Wii Virtual Console counterparts. Sega’s giving 360 owners a discount.

Also announced via the same Live Arcade footage reel was Marathon: Durandal. Development is being outsourced to Freeverse, a smaller Mac-focused outfit who’ve decided to remove the “2” in the games title. This is no mere re-branding: what was shown reveals a major visual overhaul. All of the games sprites and textures have been re-painted, resulting in a more polished version of what staunch Mac addicts got down on twelve years ago. No price or release details, but it’ll have a good home when it arrives: a Bungie classic reborn should sit well with the audience.

